Generation AI

The 5 Levels of AI: From Chatbots to Organizational Intelligence

Episode Summary

This episode of Generation AI explores the five levels of artificial intelligence capabilities as defined by OpenAI. Hosts Ardis Kadiu and Dr. JC Bonilla discuss each level, from current chatbot technology to future AI that could run entire organizations. They explain how these advancements might change work, innovation, and society.

Episode Notes

This episode of Generation AI explores the five levels of artificial intelligence capabilities as defined by OpenAI. Hosts Ardis Kadiu and Dr. JC Bonilla discuss each level, from current chatbot technology to future AI that could run entire organizations. They explain how these advancements might change work, innovation, and society.

Introduction to AI Capability Levels

Level 1: Chatbots and Conversational AI

Level 2: Reasoners and Problem-Solving AI

Level 3: Goal-Oriented AI Agents

Level 4: AI Innovators and Invention

Level 5: AI Organizations

The Path to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)