Generation AI

AI Toolkit Essentials: Key Tools and Skills for 2024 Success

Episode Summary

In this episode of Generation AI, we delve into essential tools and skills required for AI mastery in 2024. We discuss the impact of AI in the workplace, generative AI, and practical advice for adopting AI tools in various sectors, particularly focusing on higher education.

Episode Notes


In this episode, the hosts discuss the impact of AI on the workplace in 2024 and the necessary skills and tools to stay ahead. They explore the potential of generative AI to replace a significant portion of human hours worked and the shift in productivity that will result. The hosts also examine the adoption of AI in the workplace and the concerns surrounding job replaceability. They highlight the importance of AI literacy, prompt engineering, AI content curation, automation, and data analysis as crucial skills for working with AI. Additionally, they recommend various AI tools for general purpose, content creation, image generation, and video and audio production. In this conversation, Ardis and JC discuss various AI tools and their applications in different areas of work. They cover content creation tools, data and analytics tools, productivity tools, note-taking and meeting tools, presentation tools, automation and productivity tools. The conversation highlights the importance of AI literacy and the potential of these tools to enhance productivity and efficiency in the workplace.


Specific AI Tools Discussed